Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to work out en español


work out verb

unfavorite favorite
hacer ejercicio; lograr, dar resultado, salir bien; solucionar, resolver; resultar; idear, planear, desarrollar
word of the day image
Three friends working out at the gym

Ejemplos de uso de
work out verb

  • By putting our heads together, we were able to work out the problem.
  • They worked out a compromise between the warring factions.
  • We worked out a plan to save money.

Sinónimos de
work out verb

Traducción inversa para to work out

lograr  - to get, to obtain, to achieve, to attain 
solucionar  - to solve, to resolve, to work out 
resolver  - to resolve, to settle, to decide 
resultar  - to work, to work out, to prove, to turn out to be 
idear  - to devise, to think up 
planear  - to glide (in the air), to plan 
desarrollar  - to develop 
Word of the day

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